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Movie Summary
Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey, Jr.) is investigating a seemingly unrelated series of crimes around Europe, believing them all connected to Professor Moriarty (Jared Harris), a criminal mastermind just as smart as Holmes. After Moriarty arranges for another assassination, he poisons Irene Adler (Rachel McAdams), as her feelings for Holmes have compromised her usefulness. Meanwhile, Holmes takes Dr. Watson (Jude Law) out with his brother Mycroft (Stephen Fry) for his stag party, and saves another intended victim of Moriarty’s, a fortune telling gypsy named Sim (Noomi Rapace). Holmes meets with Moriarty, who warns Holmes that if he persists in investigating him, Watson will become a target. Holmes stows away on the train taking Watson and his new wife Mary (Kelly Reilly) to their honeymoon destination, knocking Mary off the train to the safe hands of Mycroft while he and Watson battle Moriarty’s men. When the duo arrive in France, Holmes tells Sim that Moriarty targeted her due to her brother Rene’s work with him, and she was a loose end.
In Paris, Holmes, Watson, and Sim go to the opera where they believe Moriarty will strike, but Holmes realizes too late that Moriarty has deceived him; a hotel is blown up instead. As Holmes looks over the bodies, he realizes the bomb was a cover for a gunman of Moriarty’s, Colonel Sebastian Moran (Paul Anderson), to shoot a specific guest at the party. Tracking the man’s ownership of an arms factory in Germany which has recently had a large number of shares bought by Moriarty, Holmes and Watson investigate, but Holmes is captured. Moriarty reveals he owns shares in companies across Europe in cotton, guns and other goods, and plans to start a war that will create a large demand for them and make him a fortune. Watson rescues Holmes and the two escape the factory on a passing train. Holmes surmises Moriarty’s next target is a peace summit, where he will create an incident between world leaders to spark war.
At the summit with Mycroft, Holmes deduces that a set of twins working for Moriarty are not actually twins, and was an experiment to give a man the face of another. Realizing that Rene has been made to look like one of the party guests and will act on Moriarty’s behalf, Watson and Sim find out which guest he is while Holmes invites Moriarty to a game of chess on a balcony over a waterfall. Watson and Sim successfully stop Rene, but he is killed by Moran. Meanwhile, Holmes reveals to Moriarty that in Germany he stole an account book tracing all of Moriarty’s assets, the only piece of evidence linking him to his deeds, and Mary has taken it back to London with a cipher discovered by Holmes, where Inspector Lestrade (Eddie Marsan) is confiscating them...
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Download Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows Full Length Movie Here
Enjoy it once with theater sound on high pitch speakers and you won’t forget the experience. I am through , now it’s your turn to check it out at your own as best things need not to persuade.
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